Global Virtual Fixit Clinic from Boulder, Colorado

Whether you want to help fix or just observe you’re invited to Sunday’s Global Virtual Fixit Clinic graciously hosted by our own Wayne Seltzer from University of Colorado, Boulder (Thanks, Wayne!)
  • When:
  • Where: via Zoom
  • Contact Name:
  • Registration / More Information More Info and Register

WHAT: Global Virtual Fixit Clinic DLVII (557) Boulder Colorado US
WHEN: Sunday July 12, 2020 19:00 GMT (=21:00 CET =15:00 EDT =14:00 CDT = 13:00 MDT =Noon PDT)

Please encourage your family, friends and neighbors to sign up with things to fix. (And remember: we can look at large things like dishwashers, TVs and furniture now.) 

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday (virtually, that is.)

Do you want to be a coach?

IMPORTANT: please sign up _well in advance_ at to get the Zoom link. (Email me Saturday if you signed up but didn’t receive the Zoom link.)

Please join the Global Fixers Google Group at!forum/global-fixers to participate in ongoing discussion about the items we’re seeing.